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By Heritage Bank
on August 27, 2024 2 minute read
In your personal financial life, few decisions are as significant and debated as the choice between renting and owning a home. Both options have their pros and cons, and understanding the financial ...
By Heritage Bank
on August 05, 2024
4 minute read
Whether it’s a Staycation or a Long Weekend, Let Us Be Your Guide
By Heritage Bank
on June 25, 2024
1 minute read
As the sun shines brighter and our days grow longer, there's no better time to lose yourself in captivating narratives while you soak up the summer vibes. Maybe that’s why June is National Audiobook ...
By Heritage Bank
on June 13, 2024
2 minute read
2024 marks the start of the Silver Tsunami, the period when the largest number of Baby Boomers turn 65. And in an era when more people are living longer, many of those boomers are looking after ...
By Heritage Bank
on May 08, 2024
2 minute read
If you own your home and plan to take out a substantial loan, a home equity line of credit can be a great option. These loans are flexible and have lower interest rates than alternatives like credit ...
By Heritage Bank
on April 23, 2024
2 minute read
Think back to your childhood – remember all those wise thoughts your mom shared? Even if we rolled our eyes at the time, it's incredible how much of it still rings true, especially when it comes to ...
By Heritage Bank
on April 23, 2024
1 minute read
In the journey of life, there are significant milestones we aspire to achieve – buying a house, retiring comfortably, or funding our children's education. Yet, the path to these milestones isn't a ...
By Heritage Bank
on April 15, 2024
3 minute read
In a world where pricey gym memberships, expensive workout gear and trendy diet plans dominate the fitness scene, getting fit can often feel like a luxury reserved for those with deep pockets. The ...
By Heritage Bank
on April 08, 2024
2 minute read
Debt can often feel like an insurmountable mountain looming over your financial horizon. Armed with the right strategies and mindset, you can confront debt head-on and reclaim control of your ...
By Heritage Bank
on April 08, 2024
2 minute read
For many people, tax season means a refund from the federal government. In Kentucky, 81 percent of taxpayers will receive a federal tax return. In Ohio, 79 percent of taxpayers are looking forward to ...